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Clone Care

You are roughly 5 weeks into growing than if you had stated with a seed!  There's a few things we think you should know when it comes to caring for your clone plant.

IMPORTANT: Do Not Water Right Away.. We heavily water our clones right before we deliver them. Wait until the soil has completely dried to the touch before giving them more water (usually 3 or 4 days)

First, your clone is of a highly stable strain from its mother plant.  Rest assured, you have the best chance of success with a clone from GrohWise!  Now, if that were not the case, OR if your clone for some unfortunate reason were to either not grow, or even worse, die, we will gladly replace it for you at no charge! That's how confident we are in our product and your success.

Secondly, you will want to think about transplanting your clone once it has gotten to be around 10 to 12" tall. To transplant, select your final pot (we recommend 5 gallon one for maximum yield), fill it with nutrient rich soil about 3/4 of the way, then place your clone (with the original pot or cup it came in), in the center of your soil. Next fill in the remaining area around your clone but don't pack the soil in.  Then you are going to remove the clone and pot, leaving a hole the same size in the middle.  Now you are going to water your clone enough to make the soil in the entire pot wet (be careful not to over water). The point in doing this is to allow the soil to pack together. Next you will want to wait about a day or two (the soil should be nice and packed, and still MOIST and solid). Cut the pot or cup out from the soil and discard the pot. If done correctly, the soil should be packed together in the shape of the original pot. Place this soil mass with your clone into the hole you made in the new medium, then fill in any excess are with soil, give it enough water to make the new soil mesh together with the added soil and clone. Then wait a few days to water.  When you transplant your clone, each time you will notice it will not look as vibrant as it usually does. This is normal. When you transplant, your clone will go into shock but don't worry, it will bounce right back up in a couple of days!  This is the reason that you want to make this your only time you transplant, to avoid any other unnecessary stress on your plant.

In closing, your clone was already sprayed with an organic chemical to rid it of any pests that are harmful to cannabis plants.  As a preventative measure, you should always spray your plants in the grow room once a week with your choice of sprays. (We recommend Pure Crop 1. Pests seem to sometimes build a tolerance to other pesticides). That's it for now! Happy growing!